Jamestowne Rediscovery.
For more information please see: historicjamestowne.org
For more information please see: historicjamestowne.org
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Membership in this Society is by invitation only. An applicant for membership may join the Society either through a chapter or as a member-at-large. An applicant for chapter membership shall be endorsed by two members in good standing to whom the applicant is personally known and who shall write letters stating the qualifications which would make the candidate a desirable member. An applicant for membership-at-large is admitted in the same manner as one for chapter membership, except that the application shall be made directly to the Registrar General rather than the Chapter Registrar. No member-at-large is eligible to be a delegate or an alternate to the meetings of the National Society or a chapter, to hold a national office or chapter office, or to serve on a national or chapter committee. She shall, however, be eligible to attend the General Business Assembly of the National Society. ~Bylaws Article IVELIGIBILITYAny woman of good moral character and reputation, past the age of eighteen years, lineally descended from an ancestor who rendered service from 1607 to 1699 inclusive, according to the following eligibility list, may be considered a candidate for membership. Those under the age of eighteen may join as Junior members in the same manner as adults, however they will pay the application fee and then no further fees until reaching the age of eighteen:
First Settlers of Jamestown
Passenger of the Mayflower (male or female)
Governors or Governors’ Assistants
Lieutenant Governors
Magistrates or Magistrates’ Assistants
Members of Assemblies
Members of Important Councils and Commissions
Commissioners for Colonies Councilors
Members of Courts of Sessions
Members of the House of Burgesses
Members of the Ancient & Honorable Artillery Co
Members of the Town and County Militia
Officers of Garrison Houses & defenders of same
Town Clerks or Treasurers
Founders of towns named in their first patent provided the founder settled in the named town
Overseers and Trustees of Towns
Members of the First Town Councils
Secretaries or Deputy Secretaries
Clerks of the Courts
High Sheriffs
Crown Printers
Ruling Elders
Justices of the Peace
Presidents of Towns
Court Messengers
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Membership in this Society is by invitation only. An applicant for membership may join the Society either through a chapter or as a member-at-large. An applicant for chapter membership shall be endorsed by two members in good standing to whom the applicant is personally known and who shall write letters stating the qualifications which would make the candidate a desirable member. An applicant for membership-at-large is admitted in the same manner as one for chapter membership, except that the application shall be made directly to the Registrar General rather than the Chapter Registrar. No member-at-large is eligible to be a delegate or an alternate to the meetings of the National Society or a chapter, to hold a national office or chapter office, or to serve on a national or chapter committee. She shall, however, be eligible to attend the General Business Assembly of the National Society. ~Bylaws Article IVELIGIBILITYAny woman of good moral character and reputation, past the age of eighteen years, lineally descended from an ancestor who rendered service from 1607 to 1699 inclusive, according to the following eligibility list, may be considered a candidate for membership. Those under the age of eighteen may join as Junior members in the same manner as adults, however they will pay the application fee and then no further fees until reaching the age of eighteen:
First Settlers of Jamestown
Passenger of the Mayflower (male or female)
Governors or Governors’ Assistants
Lieutenant Governors
Magistrates or Magistrates’ Assistants
Members of Assemblies
Members of Important Councils and Commissions
Commissioners for Colonies Councilors
Members of Courts of Sessions
Members of the House of Burgesses
Members of the Ancient & Honorable Artillery Co
Members of the Town and County Militia
Officers of Garrison Houses & defenders of same
Town Clerks or Treasurers
Founders of towns named in their first patent provided the founder settled in the named town
Overseers and Trustees of Towns
Members of the First Town Councils
Secretaries or Deputy Secretaries
Clerks of the Courts
High Sheriffs
Crown Printers
Ruling Elders
Justices of the Peace
Presidents of Towns
Court Messengers